Rule 2
(RULE 2) Do not intend/cause harm to No-PK's or out-of-range PK's outside these
Under normal circumstance, PK players may cause harm to only other PK players
who are within range while NON-PK players may not intend, or cause harm
to any player period. A player may not kill other players who are NON-PK or
Out-Of-Range unless any one of the following conditions are met:
Intent to, or causing harm also includes summoning plagued
and/or poisoned characters into rooms that have no exit, whether
or not this is done to "teach them a lesson" - or NON-PK's summoning
PKs to such rooms when there are in range Pks online. (refer also rule 11)
a) The victim possesses TWIT, KILLER, or THIEF flag;
b) The victim is in the PK ARENA;
c) The victim is PK and summoned to a clan hall.
Non-PK's may not be summon-killed unless condition a) of RULE 2 is true.
* (omit newbies) - This is not legal on newbies. Refer to 'HELP
NEWBIE' to find out who is considered a newbie.
* When asking for a summon, you are responsible for your own safety despite being
pk or no-pk. However, the above rule applies above and beyond this.